Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Release Method #137: The AC Air Return...

I used to use this method a few years ago and had actually forgotten about it since.  The concept is simple, attach your key to a piece of printer paper with some tape.  Turn on your AC or Heater by adjusting the temperature a few degrees.  Let the paper get sucked up against the air intake grate while the unit is running.  Once the air turns off the paper will fall from the ceiling. 

There are a few necessary conditions of course.  First, the air intake must be in the ceiling or at least high up on a wall.  Some are actually built into or near the floor, but they're more rare because they pull in extra dust into the filter.  A window unit would work as long as you are tied close to the ground out of reach. 

Second, you'll want to test the duration of the temperature change outside of any bondage so you can get an idea of how long you'll be trapped.  Some older units may take a while so adjusting by a degree or two would be necessary.  You'll also want to ensure that you don't set the temperature to a level that your unit cannot reach.  If your AC can only cool your house to 76 degrees, a setting of 74 would leave you stuck until the safety shutoff kicks in which can be hours.

Finally make sure whatever you bind yourself in allows you to roam the floor around the air return.  When the paper falls from the ceiling it can travel quite a distance under the right conditions.

The best part about this method is if the power fails, your key will still fall. 

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